Poker 0.4.2 is released!

Finally, it has been released. This release was long-awaited by me, as I made some changes a year ago, but until now, it hadn't been in the right place. Perhaps next time, I'll release a multiplayer mode, some form of progression, add people meshes and improve AI to say phrases depending on their "resolve" or add lootboxes ;). However, this will only happen if at least a few people liked the game and want me to improve it.

Now, onto the changelog.

Big changes:

  • Updated target engine version to Unreal Engine 5.1
  • Changed game lighting from dynamic to baked
  • Improved all game meshes for better lightmap capture


  • Separated the map into multiple sublevels for quicker loading
  • Reorganized chip sets creation for better performance

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with card hand ranking, where hands with more than two cards weren't ranking correctly
  • Fixed an issue where "all in" wasn't showing in different scenarios
  • Fixed a micro freeze at the beginning of a round


  • Added notification on chip sets restructurization
  • Changed the style of some HUD elements
  • Created a selector for changing all graphics at once in options
  • Improved AI

Files 1,017 MB
Dec 13, 2023

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